Finishing off the edges with half round logs was the objective. These were nailed into the edge of the decking, but with a further noggin/spacer nailed on at about half height, and sawn to fit up against the joist under the overlap of the decking planks.
The corner was cut to a curve. After much deliberation and erroneous application of "O" Level geometry it was finally done by eye freehand , and cut with the jigsaw. Note the plastered thumb in the pic.
Some length cutting of the noggins was required and we used the circular saw bench seen in the pic. This was a cheap DIY machine bought a few years ago which has had a fair amount of use, but on this occasion it burnt out.
Looking on the Internet for a substitute I decided to go for a hand held circular saw, and after looking at the choices settled on a DeWalt D23650-GB shown on the Screwfix website at £139. I then Googled this item and found it on offer at B and Q for £109 with free delivery next day (Monday) and as I write I am awaiting the delivery. There are still some edging posts to finish off and a back rail to fix.
I am planning to go back to Scotland next week to see if the knee will allow me to do some more Munros, so I hope to make more interesting posts soon.
With all this practice you should be able to put Bear G to shame and construct all sorts of timbre survival aids if your knee lets you down up a Munro!