Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Newlands Horseshoe - more pictures

Here are a few more pics from my Newlands Horseshoe walk (subject of my last post).

Dramatic clouds on Blencathra

The steep descent of Scope End is seen in the very centre of the pic

The pleasant heather ridge of Scope End just before the steep descent


  1. Scope End, from a distance, looks like the backbone of some fantastic animal; snoozing, one hopes!

    These are great images of beautiful landscapes. I especially like the view from the point of Scope End, painted a deep rosy-mauve by the heather.

  2. Conrad:

    Several months ago, I came across a poem that made me think of you and your love of climbing, of experiencing the wildness of the outdoors. I saved it in a file on my computer, but sadly, have not been able to find it since.

    Today, I was following a link posted at another blog (Whiskey River) to a poem which does the same thing, only better, I think, than the one I saved and lost.

    (Tried to send this via email, but couldn't. I apologize for posting it here.)

  3. The Crow - I enjoyed the poem. It could only have come from somebody who had a profound love of the outdoors, and as a kindred spirit it registered with me.
