Monday, 1 July 2013

Pictures from the Cheshire Ring Walk

Although I walked the Cheshire Ring canal walk immediately followed by the Sandstone Trail I see them in my mind as two separate events.

For a detailed account of the Sandstone Trail see the next post, bringing together scattered posts and comments made during the trip.

Here are some pictures from the Cheshire Ring.

Typical scenery of the early part

See next photo

This boat was called Pecheur which I egotistically translated to its owner as Fisherman, only to be corrected with the proper translation, Kingfisher, which I was then cross about because it was something I knew

With JJ, Gayle and Mick on the rainy Sunday


  1. I was mystified by your remark about the translation of 'pécheur' - which is, quite correctly, fisherman: kingfisher is 'martin-pécheur', which, on closer inspection, appears to be the name of the boat - but without the crucial hyphen, or more importantly, the e-acute.
    Thus, without these, it is probably more, and certainly at least equally, correct, to translate the name of the boat as 'Martin (the) Fisherman'.
    You will, no doubt, quite shortly be reading about my election 'aux éclats' to 'L'Académie Française'!

  2. Gimmer - Thanks for that glimpse of academia. I have looked at my Collins and agree with what you say. The non-French often use French language at their peril, missing or adding accents incorrectly, and wrongly ascribing gender to nouns. A common one is using the abbreviations St. or Ste. in the names of towns.

    All I can say is that the boat owner told me his name for his boat should be translated as Kingfisher, but you clarification has eased my initial irritation at what I thought was my wrong translation - I hadn't noticed the additional "martin".

  3. note I said 'aux eclats' not 'cum laude'
