Monday, 16 November 2015


A combination of  poor weather and other circumstances seems to have kept me indoors for a while. That means I have turned to various diversions:

1.  A new Photoshop painting.

Based on Small Water (nr. Haweswater - Lake District)
I have reduced pixels by half for the blog - original would be a bit sharper - CLICK TO ENLARGE

2. At the request of daughter High Horse I  made a rubber band pin board for Katie.


3. And more Photoshop playtime - have you noticed my new avatar?

This was the orginal but the figure was too small on the avatar so he had to be cropped



  1. Hello Conrad - I did notice your new avatar and very fine it is too.

  2. would you like me to lend you an iron age iceaxe to model with - or is this a reference to your potholing and caving exploits (cannot be gardening, of course)

  3. afoot - Hi Gibson. I saw a picture of him on The Two Blondes blog and just had to have one. I thought it may be a discontinued LEGO item but the Internet provided. The ice axe is a bit out of proportion even allowing for the monster I refer to in the next reply here.

    gimmer - I still have my STUBAI ASCHENBRENNER FUHRERPICKEL . It is one of those coincidences that I haven't seen it since I moved here over 15 years ago and I came across it yesterday when I was clearing out the big wardrobe cupboard on my landing. I see they are fetching around the !00 dollar mark on Ebay in The States.

  4. Conrad,
    I'm trying to identify the crag below your Lego climber.
    Ilkley? Caley?
    Put me out of my misery.

  5. bpwland climber - 'Tis the Cow at Cow and Calf, Ilkley. Remember a couple of exquisite moves on Ferdinand - the slab at the right hand end, albeit on chiseled holds?
