Thursday, 20 April 2017

Durham/Darlington update - Thursday

I was sent to Darlington this morning by taxi on the understanding I would then go back to Durham after being seen by the relevant consultant. I was seen within twenty minutes of arrival.

The consultant here wanted a ct scan and also said his list was full until next week. Various options were muted including going home in between. He wanted to see the current plaster removed and sent me to the plaster room - immediate action.  When he came to look he said I could have the ct scan here and be admitted until the op next week. Within fifteen minutes of the plaster room I had the ct scan. I was then asked to wait until the bed was available, and ten minutes later MrB arrived and said he had seen the scan anld it was not as serious as first thought.. So I am now wating to go on the ward. THUMBS UP FOR DARLINGTON SO FAR. There seems to be team spirit, camerarderie and friendliness prevailing here.

All I need to do now is arrange for my rucksack to be sent down here from Durham - what could possibly go wrong?


  1. I'm pleased to hear that quite rapid progress is at last being made and that your injuries aren't as bad as first thought. Sounds like you are fortunate to have been transferred to Darlington Conrad.

  2. Breathtaking - I assume your consultant is, if not the great man himself, at the least Sir Lancelot Spratt's son/grandson.
    But it still seems a long time - any longer and they will have some un-mending to do: if you are staying there over the weekend, I'll pop over and visit - which ward ? - odd that you are now 'incarcerated' in what was 'my ward', of another kind, all those years ago.
    (ps I'm quite taken with the new captcha series - a sort of tour of the worlds mountain ranges !)

  3. It seems to be taking a long time to make a simple decision. In the meantime, you're stuck miles away from home. Best wishes for a speedy resolution and hope your rucksack makes the journey without getting lost!

  4. Ruth -ok, but I have the opportunity now of the top man doing the job and it is understandable that he is booked up several days in advance. Now I know what's going on, and being in a comfortable and sensible environment I am happy to wait.
