Monday, 8 January 2018

Singing at eighty plus

Big Brother (RR) who comments here has been taking singing lessons over the last eighteen months. At the age of 83 that is somewhat remarkable. RR, whose background was journalism as a magazine editor, and in retirement a writer of several novels, has now published Opening Bars, an interesting account of his music lessons to date.

The book is published on Amazon at  a modest £6.95, and even allowing for a little bias on my part it is a very worthwhile read for anybody with a passing interest in music, and even more absorbing for people with a deeper knowledge and love of vocal classical music.

Here is a copy of the review I have put on Amazon, and I know RR would be grateful for further reviews.

I have to admit to being younger brother (78) of the author , but that would not lead me to write anything other than an honest review. I read the book in two non stop sittings with interest and fascination. I enjoy listening to music, both classical and jazz but I have no ability whatsoever in playing an instrument, singing, or reading music. I thought I was familiar with the extent to which Big Brother embraces music as an irreplaceable part of his life but then found myself surprised at his even deeper knowledge and grasp of its technicalities, recently enhanced I guess by his involvement with this
project, and especially at the age of 83! It is surprising from the depth of detail that RR has already assimilated that he opines that he has only so far scratched the surface, but he identifies many of the even more sophisticated techniques and skills professionals develop. I welcomed the clarity of the writing and avoidance of technical jargon combined with lots of the more subjective analysis of the role of, and the relationship with his teacher
V - It seems RR was very lucky in finding such a teacher, and that has now been proved over a meaningful period. This is certainly a worthwhile read for any enquiring person to experience a truly vicarious insight into the business of learning to sing seriously, and also as a valuable source for anybody contemplating taking lessons in other subjects.

Knee progress is slow. I am having a lot of pain at night and not sleeping. I drove the car again yesterday after speaking to my insurance company, but for the moment I intend to keep that to a minimum. I have a follow up appointment with Mr. P the surgeon on 17th January.


  1. Good luck on 17 Jan, Conrad, and we hope the pain diminishes.
    M & S

  2. that review makes one want - need - to read it
