Saturday, 14 November 2020

Moral dilemma

 Saturday 14th November 2020

There has been much debate recently about badger culling. I am not sufficiently qualified to interpret all the conflicting information, but this practice has now come close to home and I am not sure what to do about it.

From time to time my daughter asks me to baby sit two recently acquired kittens. I have to say they are adorable and much fun in small doses, but they walk all over my keyboard as I try to type, I am constantly tripping up over them, and they run riot all over the house, up and down, and sideways, and upside down, investigating everything. I have just come back from my dining room where I have discovered that the kittens are no fence-sitters as far as badger culling is concerned. They have taken decisive action.


  1. Saturday. November 14th. I enjoyed those. A moral dilemma indeed and some mothers do have them. Two plums in one afternoon.

  2. BC - I note you have carefully avoided getting into the badger debate, perhaps you like me don't feel sufficiently informed, but I would respect your opinions on the behaviour of felines.

  3. Be careful. Mrs Hindle once stood on a kitten. Fatally. Tant pis, she said.

  4. There's me thinking you had hit on a purple patch of writing and it was the kittens after all.
