Thursday, 4 February 2021

Lockdown blues

Painting the outrigger of my RN Sea Harrier

(Five different colours in half an inch.)

The sea. Memories sparked. Sublime Welsh Coast,

But Lockdown Surge Testing intercepts

With that suggestion of the surging sea.

Stop the rot!

Tiny unwanted crevice between minute parts,

Decision: I’ll leave it hoping for fill with paint.

Later, delay has failed. Crevice expanded.

Difficult Surge Filler now applies.

Face the truth! Aeroplane modelling:

A delusional therapy.

The Harrier, proud and bellicose

Combats only my longing for escape.

My dreams: Earth's cracks and crevices,

The Pembrokeshire coast, the colours in Cornwall

That painters praise, and that roar of the sea, Not the C,

Outclassing the unwanted Harrier roar above.

Work in progress

Just a bit of Welsh coast


  1. Lovely expressive poem. Sending you a virtual (((hug))).

  2. Ruth - thanks for that. Long time no hug.
