Sunday, 21 May 2023


 Sunday 21st May 2023

I have been walking my 1.4 miles daily now for several weeks  - breathlessness continues with  slight improvement, and for certain it isn't getting worse.

Last time I saw a GP was on 28th March when I was referred to Cardiology at the hospital.  They have now given me a "Video Consultation Appointment" on 14th June - goodness knows how that will work? I also have a Lung Function Test scheduled with the GP for  22nd. June So I battle on, but I feel I need to rattle some cages. We shall see.

I have it in mind to go for some short walks further afield, perhaps two or three miles on flattish ground, maybe incorporating some canal paths - I hunger for seeing some new scenery, although I do not take for granted the splendid surroundings of my home domain.


My Jeep is completed to go along with my WW2 British Quad Gun Tractor

I have an idea for a diorama incorporating them both.. Note, the diorama will be set in a semi-desert, sandy terrain, hence the extensive weathering on the vehicles.


Musing in a hot bath the other day  a couple of good ideas came to me. It doesn't matter what they were, probably trivial, but significant for me.

I have noticed over the years that such ideas seem to flow like that when taking a bath, and of course one thinks of Archimedes.

Has anybody done any research on the physiological effects of relaxation, raising of body temperature and comfort of a hot bath? Does some of that improve the conductivity of synapses or have some other influence on other parts of the brain's mechanism?

Just a thought!


  1. bowlandclimber22 May 2023 at 12:13

    I always prefer a long soaking in the bath rather than the perfunctory shower, especially after a long day in the hills. I, like you, have no scientific evidence for the benefits, but I find a glass of whisky helps the process.

  2. BC - you are a laudable sybarite. As you say, It is "after a long day on the hills" that the pleasure of a good soak is enhanced to the maximum.

  3. bowlandclimber22 May 2023 at 20:45

    Have you the collection of mountaineering essays, 'The Games Climbers Play' Diadem. Edited Ken Wilson? A lovely essay by Iain Ogilvie, page 438, from SMC journal 1976 on the science of drinking whisky in the bath.

  4. I hope your 'video consultation' proves fruitful. I've just suffered the opposite problem: a couple of weeks ago a doctor requested to see me urgently, and it needed to be face to face. I declined the 'urgent' part of the request as I was in Scotland at the time. Now that the appointment has been and gone, and I have no idea why it needed to be face-to-face. Nothing was said or done that couldn't have happened over the phone - and, but for that appointment, we could have stayed up in the Lakes for at least one extra day and come and seen you.

  5. Gayle - I would have been worried about that but you seem to shrug it off without concern.
