Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Porsche and Lotus

 Wednesday 29th November 2023

Just a quick update to confirm I am still around.

Many factors have conspired against walking so nothing to report on that front.

I finished off the Porsche model a while ago and now just finished a Lotus 7.

You can click the photos to enlarge.


  1. Which engine in the Lotus - Cosworth tuned Ford engine was the favourite.

  2. BC - I'm not sure. The main engine block was painted green. Although you can't see them I fixed plug leads from plugs to distributor after many attempts by different methods. If they are in the correct firing order that would be just a massive fluke. This has been one of my most satisfying builds to date, along with the Porsche - one gets better with practice but when I look at what some of the experts do I am just a pond-sailor compared with a Vendée Globe competitor. At least it takes my mind off being restricted from walks with some challenge and at higher altitude.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Completion of those models must be very satisfying, with the backdrop of Alpine Adventures on the reading shelf, and a reminder of the Robin's habits at this time of year. Our Robin appears, together with blackbirds and sparrows, before the kettle boils after the calci worms are dispensed.

  4. Phreerunner - I suppose that background was a bit of showing off. I was thinking of putting them both together on a grss surface with a brick wall behind representing a location on a country edtate or similar but my latest kit has intervened for thr moment..
