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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Sunday 17 December 2023

Christmas 2023

 Sunday 17th December 2023

Season's greetings to all.

I am sure Einstein missed part of his time equations. I get the impression that there is an exponential function causing time to pass more quickly each year one becomes older and here I am wondering how Christmas has returned when It only seems a few weeks since the last one.

This is not for us a time to celebrate with abandon.  My wife Ann died on Boxing Day 1997, and her father also died on a Boxing Day. My mother died on  Christmas Eve 1971 just missing the birth of what would have been her first grandchild (daughter Jill -18th January.) However we battle on and the four of us, that is son, daughter and granddaughter Katie will be doing Christmas at my house as usual.  A planning meeting is scheduled for later today, however I have already sorted The Tree...

A more sophisticated tree features in the watercolour above purchased from a more than competent local amateur artist - it has given me much pleasure over the years.

...walking has been in abeyance. I am attending the nurse at my GP's surgery on a weekly basis for a wound on the back of my ankle that became ulcerated. Walking boots, sand trainers rub so no go.

My modelling fall back continues with a 1/24 scale Citroen 2CV. This one is from about 1987 I think. Looking on Autottrader there are only two for sale and one similar to my model but 1990 is advertised at £7000. No comments please about the now cliché basket of eggs across a ploughed field.

Shadows removed very crudely in Photoshop. This is the engine seen centre in the photo above. It is about 2cm across in real size

Despite the less cheerful mentions here we are in good cheer, and having now finished our planning meeting we can forge ahead with a couple of cooking items to do and THE BIG DHOP during the coming week.

You never now, we may end up with "a Winter Wonderland,"and that would be more than likely. "amazing."

All the best to everybody.