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At the bottom of each post there is the word "comments". If you click on it you will see comments made by followers, and if you follow the instructions you may also comment and I always welcome that. I have found many people overlook this part of the blog which is often more interesting than the original post!

My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Thursday 24 October 2024

Bowland Climber explores my stamping ground

 Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Today's walk had me thinking about local knowledge. Bowland Climber was enthusing about a new guide from Cicerone Press detailing walks around my own domain of Arnside and Silverdale. The guide suggested parking and starting from the Milnthorpe Arnside road at Sandside along the railings of the Kent estuary. When there is a high tide and a contributing wind that road is susceptible to serious flooding. I suggested parking higher up the road leading into Storth village.There is no particular warning that I know of about this and it is an unfortunate omission from the guide. I wonder how often we visit unfamiliar locations and unwittingly launch off without the benefit of some relevant local knowledge.

A short walk back up the road and we were able to double back through the railway cutting footpath. The cutting through solid limestone with a depth of forty feet or so must have been a formidable challenge back in 1876.

The steep exposed rock faces had BC captivated, assessing lines, new routes, first ascents, names in a guide. book, and the like. Some years ago in my Geocaching Period I had told BC about a geocache high up on one of those walls but we never got round to sorting it. Today, thankfully, BC had a look and  considered it would need tackling with rope and protection. We moved on.

We passed to the rear of the Ship Inn, now closed and subject to rumours of its ownership by a local property empire builder with some unidentified redevelopment plan.

We made a diversion to view Hollins Well as marked on the OS map - I had been there before. On the way we got mixed up with a dozen or so folk off to annihilate pheasants. We heard their shots for a while as we viewed the less than spectacular stone trough covered with twigs and leaves under a dank wall in gloomy woods. A lady in the shooting party had offered us lemon sweets which I felt a bit guilty for accepting considering my anti "killing things for pleasure" stance.

That all sounds a bit gloomy but weather-wise this was the best for many a day with sunshine and clear blue skies and the best of autumn colours - a good day to be out.

Emerging back onto the road we crossed and followed a loop back to Dallam Bridge following the river Bela where it emerges into the Kent Estuary with expansive views across to Whitbarrow and back down to the Arnside railway viaduct. When the the sun is in the optimum position and the reeds on the far bank of the Bela have turned golden there is the opportunity for a classic photo with the weir in the foreground, the golden glowing reeds  to the left on the far bank, and picturesque Dallam Bridge in the background. Somewhere I have that photo but for the moment can't track it down on my Mac photos. 

Dallam Estate allows access through its deer populated parkland and gentle climbing gave us more elevated distant views back up the Kent estuary and distant Lake District hills.

Descending through ancient mixed atmospheric woodland BC was keen to locate Dog Hole as marked on the OS map. I had visited previously resulting in a blog post of above average interest which seems to have disappeared, but a subsequent post gives a good summary:

Also identified on that visit was an ancient oak  in the middle of a field which I was given to understand had some designated status. I got a good photo of it today.

Our walk finished back through the  village of Storth with its well appointed residences.

As this was a local walk I tended not to record many photos, and overall there is a much more detailed and well written account from BC.

The road that floods and the views up the Kent estuary from our start

BC planning first ascents

This is just a gate! Note the yellow handle

Just right for popping down to the local shop

Hollins Well, or perhaps Hollins Unwell?

This is an inferior version of the photo opportunity I mentioned above, especially as I managed to miss most of Dallam Bridge

In Dallam Estate deer park with the River Bela

St. Anthony's Tower above Milnthorpe. When I moved to Arnside over twenty years ago I was compelled to trespass and investigate only to find a dead sheep lying in the bottom

The Dog Hole. More information if you click on the link above. It is not easy to find because its accompanying footpath is not marked as a public right of way on the OS map. GPS, although not essential, was used despite me having been there at least twice before.

The ancient oak tree

Unusual house name - Internet came up with:
"Istrouma is an unincorporated community in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, United States."


Thursday 17 October 2024

Wally of the Month, and Little Grey Fergie

 Thursday 17th October 2024

I am still doing modest Thursday walks with my old pal Pete . He is now 90. We walk half an hour each way on preferably level tarmac and then retire to Café Ambio close to  Jct. 36 on the M6. 

Today we walked along the original version of the A590 running parallel with the new dual carriageway. This is now a quiet lane with pleasant views of Whitbarrow high up to our left.

I parked up where there is several hundred yards of space available along with other parking possibilities in that vicinity.

When we returned to the car A.N. Other had parked right up to my front bumper. See the photo below. Mine is the white one.I had to reverse in order to set off.



Here is the finished Ferguson tractor affectionately known as The Little Grey Fergie. I have set it up on a small diorama. I am well on now with The English Electric Lighting aircraft. Looks like all this is turning into a series of icons.


Monday 7 October 2024

St. Sunday's Beck with a mystery

 Sunday 6th October 2024

!!!!!   *****. !!!!!

I have just spent two hours trying to upload these photos. Blogger has introduced a new interface to upload photos which just adds another step for no purpose that I can see. On top of that my camera has been uploading photos in reverse chronology and there seems to have been some collusion between my camera and the Mac, and the latter seems to be trying to do the same. These two animated bits of tech have formed an alliance to upset me.I do know how to fix how folders are listed  but I ended up  with my brain frazzled. At last I can now start writing this post.

Since changing to Memory Map for the Mac I now have 2024 OS mapping. A new symbol I hadn't seen before appeared on the new map, not far from home - more of that later, except that it provided an objective for a walk. I could have persisted and identified the symbol but it seemed like more fun to go and find out what it was on the ground.

St Sunday's beck from Halfpenny (see map below) is a delight that I have previously walked, but there is often something one has missed, Today it was a substantially stone built ornate tower in a field in the middle of nowhere. The map shows this as "Syphon Well," and it is part of the massive engineering feet of constructing a 63 mile gravity fed water pipe from Haweswater to Manchester between 1935 and 1941. There is a relatively concise account HERE which is worth a read. If you Google "Syphon well" you will find technical details of its working.

At my furthest point north Blease Hall features. There is much on the Internet about its architectural features and internal fixtures but I was taken by this little bit of tittle tattle:


Built by Roger Bateman, cloth manufacturer, 1600. The house has a dobbie stone, a charm against spirits.

ghost story:-  
The daughter of the family living in an earlier house on this site died of sorrow when her lover failed to return from the Crusades, 13th century. Her ghostly funeral procession is seen passing, now and then.

I was now nearing my mystery objective a bit further south. It was in an enclosed field. However I could see nothing because as I followed the northern edge on a track Pease Beck lay sunken in between with trees and undergrowth on each bank completely restricting any view into the field. After a few hundred yards I turned right over Blaystone Bridge now following the eastern boundary on a tarmac road. Views were still totally restricted by high trees and hedge. Eventually after another couple of hundred yards I found the entrance to the field revealing its confinement of a massive solar panel installation. The field measures quarter of a mile in length on the map and it is filled with the installation. I couldn't get  a photo showing the full extent.
I plodded back to Blaystone Bridge to follow my plotted route. I was able to divert to the summit shown as spot height 117. on the map from where I took s better photo, but it still didn't convey the full extent.

I descended to Greaves farm from where I had intended to follow the footpath to Ellenwray but the path was blocked by a  chained gate also elaborately tied with blue bailing twine. The gate overhung towards me. I tried to climb it but had a premonition of disaster and broken bones so I bailed out back to the road. Further road walking and tracks had me back to Halfpenny after a jolly present 5.5miles walk.

Setting off from Halfpenny

St. Sunday beck along line of trees

Syphon Well

Blease Hall

Steep descent to buried, rotten stile.

First sighting of mystery symbol, and below.

This and below taken from higher vantage point

Note orange dog poo bag - WHY?

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Home discoveries.

Tuesday 1st. October 2024

I have followed theBBC regional North West Tonight news for the twenty plus years I have lived in Arnside. It is almost like a family group with a small number of likeable presenters that become like old friends as they make you feel welcome and included as they interact with each other with good humour. 

The other night there was an update about the Ukrainian folk who were welcomed to Arnside in 2022 after the invasion. 

I am trying to do at least a local walk from home each day to keep the old body ticking over. Branching off Silverdale Road just beyond Redhills Road a footpath winds its way through trees and shrubs with many branching alternatives. These paths are elevated above the Kent estuary and every so often splendid views occur through gaps in the trees. One alternative path goes through a gate into a wild meadow exiting after a couple of hundred yards back onto the main path. Today, not having been through there for a long time, I diverted. Halfway through the field I came across a tree planted in recognition of our Ukrainian friends. 

Further on the path descends down to sea level and the Beach Café. For ages now I thought this was closed during winter but I had another little surprise when I found it open. I had one of the best cups of coffee for some time, barring Booth's Black which we buy as beans and grind at home.

Not far from home I met my neighbours Mark and Paula who only live three houses down the lane. Back in June 2012 Paula and Mark tied the knot on the summit of The Knott CLICK  and I have known them as fellow outdoories over all that time, but recently only said hello as I pass them on occasions when I walk down the lane. Today I met them a bit further from home coming the other way and we stopped for a more prolonged chat. Since we last did so they have been off and walked part of the GR5 from Lake Geneva to Chamonix and have plans to return and continue.

All this goes to show that it is worthwhile getting out and about in your own locale and making things happen.

The Beach Café.
 The Kent estuary with the Arnside viaduct in the distance - CLICK TO ENLARGE