Leeds/Bradford fly to Carcassonne. A bus accesses the GR7 heading northeast into The Languedoc. After 307km the GR7 reaches Esperou. Return is possible by the GR71 running north of and parallel to the GR7. My brother is renting a gîte at St Jean de la Blaquière 230km from my start, so a visit could be combined. I anticipate five or six weeks without the pressure of attaining a specific target.
I have downloaded the French IGN map at 1:25000 from Memory Map, and challenge anybody to do this solely from instructions on the website. The first two procedures are mentioned nowhere: download the free V5 software (European version), and download the free European Road Atlas. I needed telephone assistance. From hereon it is not difficult,
For my LEJOG walk I printed A4 sheets from Memory Map OS 1:50000, covering approximately 11km by 6km each advantageously giving slight enlargement of the original (the software automatically enlarges to fill A4 if your delineated area is less).
The French maps at 1:25000 would need too many sheets, but Memory Map just announced the launch of Adventurer 2800, which scrolls the map with your moving position on screen, and my newly purchased IGN maps are downloadable. Costing £250 Adventurer 2800 compares favourably with similar devices. It would save plenty on printer ink and time.
Vodaphone have announced imminent availability of the iPhone. This would enable daily blogging.
There is a lot of food for thought here.
My leg relapsed recently and I’m back on antibiotics, but not inhibited. I am walking Jake the dog daily. Both knees are, and always will be, suspect so there are still question marks.