For newcomers

At the bottom of each post there is the word "comments". If you click on it you will see comments made by followers, and if you follow the instructions you may also comment and I always welcome that. I have found many people overlook this part of the blog which is often more interesting than the original post!

My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Thursday 14 July 2011

Lulu, next year, and The Pyrenees

The Lulu book “Conrad Walks Wales” is completed in Word. All photos are integrated with text, and Photoshop montages for covers have been created.
This is the draft cover - it may yet be changed
The next step is uploading onto Lulu’s website and creating the covers and spine before submission for publishing. For the five previous books this was a frustrating and difficult procedure. I have recruited daughter Jill to assist on Sunday.
Due to what I think are memory problems with Windows/Word I made four separate files, which will need consolidating after we upload.

Since my last post I have plotted a longish backpacking trip in the UK for next year, joints permitting, but more of that later.

Today I have booked a flight to Lourdes from Manchester on 22nd August returning 2nd September. I intend to do some Grande Randonnée walking visiting the Vignemale region which I by-passed when I walked the GR10. It will be pleasant not carrying such a heavy rucksack as I will not be camping but staying in French refuges and gîtes d’étqpes. I haven’t researched this much so far as I am awaiting IGN maps ordered today. From what I hear that area is as spectacular as anywhere in the Pyrenees. The ascent of Le Vignemale is not an option for me, but I believe it is possible to walk up Le Petit Vignemale, and that may provide an extra focus for the trip.

Le Vignemale - a grainy download from Google Images

I am not sure about blogging from France yet. I will have to find out exactly what is involved with the enigmatic data roaming thing from Vodafone - I don’t want to rack up one of those notorious bills one hears about .


  1. Hi Sir Hugh,
    I have put a note on Gibsons blog regarding the embedding issue you have. I hope it helps.

  2. Conrad, if the weather is good you should have no problem on Petit Vignemale. It's probably similar to Tryfan or Crib Goch, at worst. I recall that we dumped our packs to do it en route to Gavarnie.
    Take care on the Sarradets scramble - it's better to go up it than down it - but enjoy the Breche and Le Taillon if you get up there.
    Have a great time!
