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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Thursday, 26 May 2016


Thursday 26th May 2015

Thursday walks with Pete continue, but in consideration of Pete's arthritis, we keep within four miles, and preferably avoiding much hill climbing, and wherever possible on surfaced road. With those parameters finding new walks within a reasonable driving distance is becoming increasingly difficult, especially when I add a personal preference for circular rather than linear routes. We have been doing these walks for several years now and have hardly ever repeated a previous route, and rarely experienced rain. 

Pete has no objection to that quirk of mine, pointing out that the view on the return is different, and that companionship and enjoyment of the outdoors in general is more important, and I know he is right.

So, from my standpoint, this opens up a new range of walks. There are many roads in our area that end in the middle of nowhere, and I can just plot back two miles from the end to an undistinguished spot back along the road to create an exact four mile round trip, and so it was today.

I feel liberated.

We had extensive views of the northern edge of the Bowland hills on the outward journey and across to the Three Peaks area of the Yorkshire Dales to the east, and out to the Lancashire coast to the west on our return. All this was enhanced by a mini Farnborough air display as an RAF jet made countless circuits just within sight of the whole of our domain, banking, climbing and making spectacular low level passes. 

Another relic

Identification please. Pete says Milkmaid, but I can't track it down in my flower book.
I really must master the macro function on this camera - this photo is pathetic.

Start/finish SD 612 662
North south, south north.
Ignore the cursor stats top left


  1. Milkmaid, Lady's Smock and Cuckoo Flower are all common names, with interesting historical origins, of Cardamine pratensis. We saw lots in the meadows along the Thames last week.

  2. BC - Thanks for that. I have found it in my book now. As I have said before the classification of wild flowers in a good flower book is not as easy to understand or intuitive as it is with bird identification - you really need a degree in natural sciences.

  3. If the quirk you're referring to is the lack of rain on your walks then I wouldn't object either!
