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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Saturday, 24 September 2016

Northumberland Coast Path - day 7

Friday 23rd. September '16

Island View Inn A1 to Berwick-upon-Tweed

A quick walk through Cheswick took me back onto the NCP and from there it was mostly a surfaced cycle track and proper Tarmac road all the way to Berwick and the train home.

Here is the slideshow with captions - click on the first thumbnail, then click on "full screen" at the bottom. You can also use the plus and minus buttons next to the "full screen" button to enlarge or decrease to suit your screen.



  1. I can only get the first photo Conrad - no thumbnails.

  2. afoot and AlanR - I have now re-done the link and it works for me. It does now open with the thumbnails so just click on the first then go to Full Screen.

    Please let me know again if it doesn't work.

  3. Really good images and weather by the looks of it. The Red David Brown 950 is in good nick but has the wrong front types on. The blue one is a good old Fordson Major.

  4. Good images as AlanR says Conrad. How would you compare this walk with the Fife Coastal Path?

  5. Alan R. - Glad you could view the slideshow and thanks for the tractor identifications. I'm still waiting for a botanical expert to identify the field of flowers


    Afoot - There is no doubt I enjoyed the Northumberland Coast Path more than the Fylde CP. The first half of the Fylde was somewhat industrial and uninspiring, but it got better as it progressed, and it scored high points for including the Chain Walk.

    The NCP was consistently enjoyable from the start with good walking surfaces most of the time and spectacular views at frequent intervals. I also had the peace of mind knowing that all my accommodation was booked in advance. On this walk I seemed to be in a good state of mind and I would say I enjoyed it as much as any I have done. But, it is not always entirely about enjoyment - the sense of satisfaction I gained from my much longer walks probably overrules the enjoyment factor of these shorter ambles.
