Tuesday 25th July 2017
Mixed up border country for this walk. I drove on the A684 to Garsdale and turned expectantly right up the minor road past the station for the first time ever (as far as I can remember). Garsdale is geographically in Cumbria but in the parliamentary constituency of Westmorland and Lonsdale. Sadly Westmorland no longer exists as a county. I parked at Galloway Gate, still in Cumbria, but my route soon took me over the border into Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
After swigging hot coffee in the car I was off into murky cloud and much reduced visibility at 8:25 am.
The track shown on the map leading to the fenceline following the county boundary did not exist. I was into heather, and tussock-yomping for the next four kilometres before I dropped down into Widdale.
In the dim distance I spotted an unusual sized and shaped bird perched on a fence post and managed to get a quick zoom shot. The bird took off and came straight towards me, gliding superbly completing a detailed examination of this rare human - I must have been as strange to this Short Eared owl as the bird was to me. That kind of sighting is the sort of thing that makes a particular walk memorable - not a bad start to the day eh?
My route circumnavigated Widdale Fell which includes the trig point summit of Great Knoutberry. I went to that summit in much colder conditions on 19th November 2005.
My rationale for this walk hinged partly on visiting the two Widdale tarns (Little and Great) marked on the map that I had not previously seen. A bit of careful compass work was needed until Little appeared, eerily through the mist. How atmospheric: a stone causeway led out into the lake with a circular stone building at the end. Romantic thoughts of crannogs, then perhaps bloody sacrifices were running through my mind as I tiptoed along the stone steps to the middle of the tarn to arrive at... a grouse butt.
I wondered what were the qualifications needed for the particular shooter who was allotted this location. His spaniels would have to swim for the downed birds, but from my personal knowledge of that breed, for them that would be a bonus.
The descent into Widdale was steep, still pathless and I found myself in ultra cautious mode arising I suppose from my experience a few weeks ago and the aftermath.
The rest of the walk was on tracks and roads, and enjoyable, but at nearly fifteen miles I was a little weary at the end, but home to a hot bath, a magnificent Melton Mowbray pork pie dinner, a drop of red and another couple of episodes of House of Cards on Netflix completed a day of well used time, but that is personal, others may disagree.
The quality may not be good, but I was well pleased with this |
Marked as "pot-hole" on the map. I didn't clamber down to investigate |
The crannog, grouse butt - Little Widdale tarn |
Great Widdale tarn |
Looking back at the steep, treacherous descent into Widdale (click to enlarge) |
Across to Dodd Fell on the descent into Widdale |
The distant hills to the north of Wensleydale |
Looking back down Widdale. I think the hump is Wold Fell |
Apperset |
Mossdale Head |
Start - Galloway Gate - left middle - anti-clockwise |