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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

iPhone as a camera

 Tuesday 4th March 2025

I am dithering about changing from my Panasonic camera to use the iPhone instead

After finding I could change photo extensions from iPhone to JPG in settings that meant I could download to my iMac computer and edit away.

To test I have just come back from a little walk on Arnside Knott to take some photos.

On downloading I found two of the photos I thought I had taken were not there. I realise that was because I didn't hear the shutter release when taking the photo. I found how to increase the volume so that is now solved.

But, two of the photos I took turned out to be in Movie mode and for the moment that is a big problem. The sliding control for photos, videos, slo-mo etc is far too easy to move, almost of  if its own choosing, and having to look and check every time is an irritating faff. I have done an Internet search but there doesn't seem to be any way of fixing the phone in Photo mode, unless anybody can tell me differently.
I have to say that the quality of photos is better than those from my Panasonic Lumix TZ80 . Other than two photos that I cropped a little they are all un-edited. I would like to continue with the iPhone and intend to persist more and see how it goes.

Click photos to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. I still like the versatility of the Lumix, but mine, sadly, is no longer functioning. The zoom is better on the camera, unless you have a top-level iPhone.
    Whilst I have been using my low-level Samsung phone for photographs recently, as well as navigating maps, and bus and train gadgets, I find the battery drains faster than usual. I back it up if needed with a 'power pack'
    The pictures are OK, apart from that lack of zoom.
    I recognise bits of the Knott.
