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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Monday, 29 October 2012

On the flat

Pete is insisting I avoid hills to give the knee  chance to recover.

Last Thursday we covered nearly 8 miles, south from Hest Bank almost to Lancaster and back on the Lancaster Canal, which runs from Kendal, south to Preston. The canal lost its isolation from the rest of the system when the Ribble Link was opened in 2002, though this involves tidal river cruising to link with the Leeds & Liverpool Canal Tarleton branch.

Previously I have walked north from Hest Bank to Carnforth, so today, shunning hills, I started on my own at Carnforth  (SD 501 704), and walked north to Capernwray and back. I am not sure if it is possible to walk all the way to Kendal because the canal is blocked in a couple of places by the M6 and the A6 but I intend to continue exploring section by section. I could of course find out by Internet browsing, but that would spoil my little adventure. These retracing, linear walks are something I usually avoid, but as this project is now under way I am quite motivated, and see it as a pretty macho undertaking because there are no tea shops throughout the whole length (as far as I know).

Today’s walk was only about 5 miles, starting in bright, colour enhancing, autumn sunshine, but after half half an hour, penetrating rain took over, but somehow this didn’t seem to matter - it was a pleasure just to be out and about.

Carnforth is just off the bottom left hand corner


  1. Glad you've got a little project to occupy you! Without wanting to spoil your exploration you will find it interesting walking up the 'Canal' to Kendal.
    I did it about 20yrs ago whilst walking from Manchester to Thirlmere. Bet you've never heard of the Thirlmere Way [Sigma Press] tracing the route of the Thirlmere Aqueduct which opened in 1894.

  2. That's a new one to me. I found the guide on the Internet which you can download. I do not see it as a priority walk at the moment.

    Some of those Victorian waterworks projects were really grand incorporating massive, ornate architecture which, although plonked in the countryside are a reasonable compromise compared with some present day atrocities.

  3. Good to have a project and if this helps the knees to strengthen then all to the good.

  4. Welshpaddler - Keeping my fingers crossed.

    RR - Maybe not. Future trips may include a flask of coffee and a couple of munchy bars, but just to ease your mind I may be sat there consuming them in the pouring rain and seasonally increasing cold.

  5. Don't take too much criticism from your brother - there maybe a tea shop around the corner to alleviate your indulgences.

  6. BC - I've just done the next stretch but haven't found one yet. I suppose the pub at Tewitfield may count but I don't fancy it.

  7. Cute ducks! They sure add more dexterity to the scene. I love the way the move across the water and probably make a lot of gaggle. It doesn’t make their adorableness meter go down though :P
