Tuesday 27th December 2022
Compliments of the season to all
Over the years I have done a pre-Christmas message for my readers, usually incorporating some hopefully humorous Photoshop manipulation.
I just never got round to that this time due to an accumulation of circumstances.
Having surfaced this morning at around 9:00 am I am now motivated to write. I recognise the symptoms: finding something else to do to override the main, but undesirable task which needs attention, that is clearing up from the aftermath of the family Christmas Day and Boxing Day activities.
With son Will, and daughter Jill and granddaughter Katie we have had an enjoyable get together. As always the most rewarding part was seeing Katie having fun and also appreciating her own natural willingness and pleasure in being helpful and joining in with everything with much cheer.
I have never seen anybody so taken aback at receiving a present that was beyond expectations, as Katie comprehended the contents of an Apple box revealing a new iPad.
The big attraction for Katie was being able to download xxx (can't remember the name at the moment) painting app which is similar to Photoshop Elements and probably more user friendly, but nonetheless sophisticated including the indispensable Layers function. Katie's only previous involvement with xxx has been watching You Tube videos showing how it works and with that knowledge only she was launched straight into action with no problems.
See below two examples using different techniques: