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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Sunday 14 July 2024

Whitbarrow north

 Saturday 13th July 2024

Much has happened over the last ten days or so.

After waiting over three years my son W at last had his bariatric operation on Tuesday, 9th July. That involved some drama before, during, and after the operation. Not least that the private hospital used by NHS is in Cheadle, and on the day of the op. we had to be there for 7:00am. That is around a two hour drive taking into account the nightmare traffic congestion around Preston and even more so around Manchester. I have done that journey twice now.

After the op. W. was moved to Manchester Infirmary for some after op needs and on Friday I had another dreadful trip with bad traffic holdups culminating in the section through Manchester centre with  horror complex traffic light junctions, multi lane switching and aggressive drivers, whilst trying to heed the sat-nav's instructions. Even when I arrived at the vast Manchester hospital it took me about fifteen minutes to track W. down. To cap all this, as I was setting off from home I had a call from the ombudsman regarding my British Gas complaint and pulled over to hear not so good news. Having set off at about midday to include a shop at Aldi,  and then fighting the traffic on the way home, it was 7:00pm when I eventually landed. 

I am still being monitored by the Respiratory department at Lancaster for my breathlessness and have two appointments pending. 

So, Saturday (yesterday) time for a walk.

I have walked all over Whitbarrow, a large limestone plateau only twenty minutes drive from home. There is a path on the map skirting the northern rump that I haven't walked before. The whole circuit was less than three miles. From the start a rocky sunken path eventually lead out onto the limestone parkland-like flanks of Whitbarrow. A friendly springer came to greet me followed by its owner. I had my own springer, and then my daughter's and have great affection for them, reminding me of watching the RNLI Saving Lives t Sea the other night:

Springer taken 4 miles down coast, rescued. Got in boat. Just wanted to jump out and chase some more seagulls.

The green cropped grass of this limestone country with the white grey rock protruding everywhere makes an environment that always gives me cheer. The faint path climbed all the way for a kilometre. I was pleasantly surprised to go all the way at a steady plod with only the occasional brief rest - at last a noticeable slight improvement, I hope it was not just a one-off.  Although the British Gas thing is not satisfactory I can see this will be finalised within the next few days. That combined with Son at last having  had his op, after the years of waiting has lifted some of the pressure I have been under for far too long. Perhaps that partial release has reflected itself in my walking ability?

As I type this in the peace and tranquility at home I feel more relaxed than for many a month.

The track lead over the northern shoulder of Whitbarrow and then descended steeply through thick coppice woods clutching from one tree trunk to another to prevent a fall. Not what I had planned for, and a good illustration of not always getting the full picture from the OS map. At the bottom, the skirting path proved to be bounded by a wall on the left, and on the right, the encroaching coppice wood and more than head high bracken,. That persisted for another half kilometre of jungle bashing until  a proper track lead back to the car.

Just a quick snap of my Hydrangea before I set off

A friendly spaniel as I started to ascend the Whitbarrow parkland

Looking back down the long ascent that I managed more or less without stops

Whitbarrow cure-all  scenery,

Distant Lakeland hills. Better to be here than there in my opinion

The skirting path.Tthere was a good half kilometre of this. Not what I'd planned for. I always say that I can make a walk to the bottom of my garden into an epic


  1. bowlandclimber14 July 2024 at 18:25

    Good to see you out and energised. I remember you taking us up a steep rake there. Barry has tried several times to find it from the top. Will ring you in the week. Football tonight.

  2. Glad to hear some weights have been at least partially lifted from your shoulders and, if another trip to Manchester is needed, then fingers crossed for friendlier traffic.

    Hope the ombudsman's outcome is tolerable even if not ideal.

  3. BC - I think the best way to find where that rake emerges is to do it from the bottom then take a GPS reading and mark on the map where it emerges at the stile.
    Gsyle - The Br. Gas thing is still slightly in the balance. I have elected to have a meter check which will cost me. If there is a fault that would be happy days. If not I will likely have to accept their measly goodwill offer of £200 compared with my estimated excessive charge of £931.00. There are other avenues of appeal but I have not got the will to take it any further. I am beginning to understand why some of the postmasters ended up unnecessarily pleading guilty. I may do a post giving more details.

  4. Gas meter - who took the reading that gave the very high bill ? were others over the past years also read wrongly but consistently too low ? (hardly possible but who knows) - sounds to me like a case that should be 'solved' simply by such factual and technical investigations. I had one such with BG about 20 years ago which was 'solved' and thus resolved after similar dispassionate analysis..
    Glad to hear that the op 'occurred' and hope that it thus turns the corner of the underlying question. I don't know where the Manchester hospital is but maybe taking a train might be three fold better than facing the driving and traffic issues.

  5. Gimmer -It is the electricity not the gas that is in dispute. I have mow received the ombudsman's decision and it is less than satisfactory only giving me a goodwill payment of £200.00. I can still have the "independent" meter test which I will have to pay for, but it will satisfy my mind that the possibility of malfunction there can be eliminated, and if it exists, not allowed to continue ad infinitum. I can't emphasise enough how much this has taken out of me. There are avenues for appeal but I have mo motivation whatsoever to continue with this health sapping saga. My overall motivation is to make it into history. So I now intend to accept the decision and move on. Financially, the funds have been saved along the way so that is not a worry.
    As I said in a comment above:
    "I am beginning to understand why some of the postmasters ended up unnecessarily pleading guilty." There comes a point where one just runs out of steam.
