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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Monday 24 June 2024

Eden way 3 - upstream

 Sunday 23rd June 2024 - Carlisle to Wetheral

Straight out of the back door of the Sands Centre, after using the facilities, I was back on the Eden Way having taxied* there after leaving my car at Wetheral.

In the excitement of seeng a dramatic bird sculpture on high, and an unexpected early start to photo snapping, I failed to investigate further, nor did Internet search back home succeed - good job I was not writing a guide. But then Stuart Greig's guide talks about paths through fields and the like for the first mile as far as Memorial Bridge. In fact it is now a tarmac path all the way. The guide was published in 2018 and I would have thought the well established tarmac must have been laid before that, so another mystery.  Stuart refers to the bridge "for pedestrians only" as "hugely over engineered." As I approached the bridge I was overtaken by a walking group, they thankfully crossed the bridge...

...I didn't. I descended to follow the river with a golf course to my right. On the course there had been an enthusiastic planting of hundreds of trees strategically sited only perhaps twenty yards apart making the chances about fifty fifty of a hit, and only to be avoided by mere chance. Every hundred yards or so a series of oldish wrought iron benches were placed, some having been vandalised with twisted components that must have taken some effort, and others with picnic remains scattered. This was all a bit sad because generally this was a more upmarket location to be so unexpectedly trashed, but there were several access points to the river only a few yards off the path which would attract more than the usual number.

I emerged to a perilous crossing of a complex crossroads on the A69 and then past the prestigious new Jaguar/Land Rover showroom and through an industrial estate where I lunched sitting on a low wall, and then ascended to cross over the M6. A hill prominent in the far distance caught my eye and I think it must be Cooms Fell, 490m, 22 miles to the north. and situated in a large area of wild country I know little about except on passing through Kielder on my LEJOG a few miles to the east. 

More road walking took me into Scotby. Their pretty red sandstone church sits well on a little hill as you enter the town amd I refrained from a photo there thinking it would look better from a few yards further on. At the appropriate spot the cburch was now largely hidden by trees. There was a party coming down the steps from what I found out had been a christening. I was quzized by one of them about my walking credentials and she became excited and hailed her sister to come and tell me about her walking of the Coast to Coast and we had a jolly little exchange.

Scotby is an attractive village with a wide main thoroughfare with grassed areas and a general feeling of well-to-do. Even the village shop and PO looked more prosperous than the average village store. 

After a couple of crossings of the railway, one over and one under, and a mix of farm track and then roadwork I was back to the main road leading a few hundred yards to my car. I passed a newly built house faced out with attractive grey Lakeland slate and it was amusingly called Grey Gables.

Would you believe:

On 1 January 2021 episode number 19,343 of The Archers on BBC Radio 4 will mark 70 years of the world’s longest running serial drama.


The bird without a story

A naff bit of presumably, sculpture. A few old flagstones dumped on some decrepit pallets -who'se kidding eho?

The new mile of tarmac path, pre or post 2018?

Memorial Bridge. "Hugely over engineered" Stuart Greig

In Arnside we have The Amblers, The Ramblers, and The Scramblers. When I came here twenty odd years ago I enquired but was told I couldn't take my Springer along so I never bothered

There they go. I took a right

Litter in an attractive area that deserves better

I think they had a sadist golf course designer


The hill I mentioned is at the far end of the motorway - see zoom below

Possibly Cooms Fell 490m - 21miles north

Scotby posh main street. More cars parked than usual I think because of the well attended christening at the church

The well appointed village shop and PO, unfortunately closed on Sunday

Grey Gables

All blue = full Eden Way download from LDWA. Alternating colours = my daily stints


*Radio Taxis, Carlisle.
Good service on all three trips. Recommended
I will in future be out of their area


  1. I’m really pleased to see you out walking again Conrad. I’m at a disadvantage reading your posts in that I’m rarely familiar with the area where you’re walking. However, your posts provide so much detail that I’m with you all the way. Of course the lovely photos also help. I’m currently mobile blogging and am, I’m afraid, all ‘fingers and thumbs’! After the next post there won’t be any more from me for the rest of week for reasons revealed in that post.

  2. It is a real pain mobile blogging, even more so if you include photos. I hope the reason for no more posts for the week is not serious.

  3. Well done on your walk Conrad. I think your Cormorant picture is to celebrate 25 yrs of RSPB. Great photo of the 6s series tractor. They are the new breed coming out in 2021/2.
    This one is the 145hp (143.5) actual.

  4. Alan R - I generally only photograph tractors that have some rarity value, foreign or ancient for example, but I couldn't resist this beast. I presume you have waked past the RSPB Cormorant at some time?

    1. re cormorant, No I have never walked past it. I googled Cormorant at Sands centre.

  5. Alan R - Your Googling skills were more productive than mine, although I didn't try very hard. You had an advantage by actually identifying the bird!

  6. bowlandclimber26 June 2024 at 11:45

    It should get better from now on.
    There are train stations in a lot of the villages on the Eden which could help your logistics. If you run into problems remember my offer.

  7. BC - Thanks for the info. and the offer. I have looked at the next stage which could be done using the train but the walk distance is 8.3 miles with quite few undulations, and that is a bit more than I've been doing. I will probably give it a go after an endless list of appointments and W's op. hopefully on 9th July.

  8. I.e. W's op. is on the 9th July.

  9. bowlandclimber27 June 2024 at 15:45

    Fingers crossed for William.

  10. My first thought on the pre/post-2018 tarmac was that maybe the guidebook was researched some time before it's publication. I have long followed Stuart Greig's blog (from the depths of my recollection I think we had some correspondence more than a decade ago when he intended to walk LEJOG) so I nipped over there for a look. Turns out he only recced the section in question in March 2018, not long before the guide's publication, and he refers to the riverside paths being slippery in the wet weather, which would suggest that the tarmac is newer than it looks.

    You'll find Stuart's relevant blog here:

  11. Gayle - thanks. All is quite clear now. I have dabbled in and out of SG's blog from time to time without making the connection.
