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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Tuesday 1 October 2024

Home discoveries.

Tuesday 1st. October 2024

I have followed theBBC regional North West Tonight news for the twenty plus years I have lived in Arnside. It is almost like a family group with a small number of likeable presenters that become like old friends as they make you feel welcome and included as they interact with each other with good humour. 

The other night there was an update about the Ukrainian folk who were welcomed to Arnside in 2022 after the invasion. 

I am trying to do at least a local walk from home each day to keep the old body ticking over. Branching off Silverdale Road just beyond Redhills Road a footpath winds its way through trees and shrubs with many branching alternatives. These paths are elevated above the Kent estuary and every so often splendid views occur through gaps in the trees. One alternative path goes through a gate into a wild meadow exiting after a couple of hundred yards back onto the main path. Today, not having been through there for a long time, I diverted. Halfway through the field I came across a tree planted in recognition of our Ukrainian friends. 

Further on the path descends down to sea level and the Beach Café. For ages now I thought this was closed during winter but I had another little surprise when I found it open. I had one of the best cups of coffee for some time, barring Booth's Black which we buy as beans and grind at home.

Not far from home I met my neighbours Mark and Paula who only live three houses down the lane. Back in June 2012 Paula and Mark tied the knot on the summit of The Knott CLICK  and I have known them as fellow outdoories over all that time, but recently only said hello as I pass them on occasions when I walk down the lane. Today I met them a bit further from home coming the other way and we stopped for a more prolonged chat. Since we last did so they have been off and walked part of the GR5 from Lake Geneva to Chamonix and have plans to return and continue.

All this goes to show that it is worthwhile getting out and about in your own locale and making things happen.

The Beach Café.
 The Kent estuary with the Arnside viaduct in the distance - CLICK TO ENLARGE


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