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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Rehabilitation interrupted

In the midst of slothing it on the couch every afternoon between 2:00 and 4:30 during the absorbing Tour de France, I did make for Kentmere one morning getting back to see most of that day's coverage.

My interest in the TdF started during a villa holiday with my brother and his wife when we visited  Tommy Simpson's memorial on Mt. Ventoux. Two years later, after reading a biography of Tommy on the plane I ascended "Le Ventoux" (in TdF parlance) with some emotion, on foot during my French Gorges walk.
Tommy Simpson memorial - Mt. Ventoux

This year the demonstration of the value of teamwork has been inspirational, as well as the absorbing interest in strategies and logistics, and all this with the bonus of a helicopter trip round France.


Ideal walking

Kentmere Hall - 14th century
I score gates out of 10 for ease of opening and fastening. The average is about 3. This one was 10!

Referred to as Kentmere Tarn, but it's just a widening of the river. It is a good trout fishing location which I would like to fish sometime

Green Quarter

The knee is progressing slowly, allowing me to do 3 or 4 mile walks, but it stiffens up very quickly when I'm not active and it is still swollen. It does seem a long process and I think it will be still some time before I will be able to take on full day walks.


  1. Hi Conrad,

    just to keep you up to date. I have had the op and stitches out today. Walking short distances and all seems OK. Now need to extend walks and get back on the bike. Consultant has said "normal wear and tear" and that cartilage cleaned up.

    We have stayed twice near Mt Ventoux and how they cycle up this is a mystery!

  2. Welshpaddler - Glad to hear the op went ok Bob.

    We followed cyclists up Ventoux in the car and it seems a long long way, and that didn’t change when I walked up on footpaths (not the road).The footpath descent to Mt. Serein was exciting on steep, loose limestone.

    I notice from your last post that you fly fished and tied your own flies. I did the same very enthusiastically many years ago, and have fished on and off ever since, and as mentioned in this post it is something I would like to go back to. Two or three years ago whilst Munroing on a poor day at Braemar I walked up Glen Ey with a small poaching rod and had a few illicit casts in the stream catching small brownies, and also watching a Hen Harrier through binoculars - the pleasure comes from the peace and solitude, and heightened concentration on the surrounding nature.
