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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Tuesday, 19 January 2021


You have spent an hour retrieving a long complex piece of writing that you thought had vanished from your computer into the ether, now you have got it back. Or perhaps, against the odds, you have managed to repair a washing machine: I did once!

What is your first impulse?

To rush out and tell somebody.

I have just read this article and have that same urge - you few are my captive audience, but please pass the news on.

My wife Ann was diagnosed with MND in 1994 and died on Boxing Day 1997.

Without going into details I can only say that MND must be just about the most cruel illness in the world.

Amongst all the doom and gloom of Covid and man's suicidal headlong materialistic endeavour to trash the planet there are still good people out there striving to make the world a better place.


  1. I share your appreciation of those good people in Edinburgh.
    A cruel disease indeed.

  2. It’s amazing what progress has been made over the last 30yrs. Sheila’s dad died in his 50’s from Cardio Myopathy. There was no cure years ago but now it’s a relatively routine operation. MND as BC says is very cruel.

  3. BC and Alan R - Thanks for your comments.

  4. So good to see some good news, for a change, and particularly hopeful news about this awful disease.

  5. I’m sorry for your loss and share your hope that these efforts will help people with this illness.

  6. Ruth. Yes, thanks. I wonsder if with your background you ay have asny observations. It did seem an optimistic report.


    Michael Leddy - Thanks. I see you have other good news (at last) where you are. I have commented.
