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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Sunday 16 June 2024

History Lesson?

Sunday 16th June 2024

A few days after the recent eightieth remembrance of D Day. 

I hesitate to use the word "celebration."

In the days immediately before this event I noticed several headlines in the on-line news platforms I read such as "What was D-Day?" What a sad requirement that anybody, even eighty years on, should need to have this explained. Do we teach history at school? This particular, relatively recent history, and I mean WW1 and WW2, should be a significant mandatory inclusion on the curriculum. It should not be glorified, rather emphasis being made on the horror  of the fighting and then the knock on effect on families and the aftermath of deprivation for the nation. The world in general never seems to learn, but as there has been more or less peace in Europe for eighty years perhaps something has rubbed off, but unless new generations understand what happened and its utter futility we have no chance. I am not writing this from a pacifist standpoint. I believe it was necessary that we should defend our country and eliminate the existence of evil regimes.

It may be that future antagonisms will be fought in a more technological manner. We are already seeing the use of Internet and AI  interfering with elections and influencing public opinion, as well as computer system hacks experienced by  organisations vital to the governance of countries. There is no doubt this could be escalated to the point of crippling a target nation.

All this brought to mind an anecdote from  my Viking Way backpacking trip. and here is an extract from my post at the time.

June 25, 2014.   (From Woodhall Spa)
I have booked in at another B and B and am eating in The Lancaster, a so called brasserie. The name and interior decor confirm a connection with The Dam Busters, photos etc. When I asked the bar staff exactly what that connection was they had no idea, not even heard of a The Dam Busters, went off to consult management and came back to say nobody knew! So much for "we will never forget them". When I ordered I asked if the chicken dish was on the bone, they said no. Part of it was. The food was good including a surprise amuse bouche in consideration of time taken to cook the main. I reckon the chef here is the only one who is competent. Shame.

The Dam Busters 617 Squadron were based at the Woodhall Spa airfield although for the famous raid they took off from an airfield in Lincolnshire. There is an impressive memorial to them in the main street of Woodhall Spa that is hugely prominent and emotionally descriptive and completely unmissable. It is inconceivable that anybody living there would not be aware of its raison d'être, and to a lesser extent, the meaning behind the naming of the eating establishment named in my post.

If your interest has been sparked THIS link will take you to a good short description and interesting explanation of the memorial, and splendid photos all supporting my comments.

Another relevant post, and in particular the comments by my brother (RR) may be of further interest.


I hsve now completed my submission to the Ombudsman regarding my dispute with British Gas. They informed me it may take about eight weeks for them to arrive at a resolution, but whatever that is it must be accepted by me and BG - we will see. In the meantime I am trying to crawl back from a year's frustration and mental stress, although on-going medical appointments for myself and my son intervene. They often  clash with weather windows preventing me from  the modest six nile riverside walks I can still do, My son  has mow got the date for his bariatric operation on the 9th July after a wait of more than three years.

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