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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Thursday 6 June 2024


 Thursday 6th June 2024

Amongst my health problems which have been mentioned here, and my son waiting for a bariatric operation for more than three years I have had an ongoing problem with British Gas for more than a year.

I thought it seemed a good idea to make this matter as public as possible as I have now got to a point of impasse and I will be referring this to the Ombudsman on Sunday when my daughter will provide support on the basis that two heads are better than one and to ensure we submit to the best advantage. My submission will include copies of many emails and notes of telephone conversations.

I give below a copy of the summary for the ombudsman and I hope this post will help to publicise the appalling service being given by British Gas.

Dear Ombudsman,

I have had a year’s problem with British Gas covering numerous issues forming a composite complaint that is ongoing.

The  last time I paid BG, via their inconvenient quarterly billing policy was for £471.00 in December 2023. The problems became much more serious when I received the next bill in March 2024 for £2230.08. The electricity component bore no relation to my average usage, you will see why in the correspondence below.

Communication with BG has been painfully difficult: long response times, failure to address all points raised, unintelligible foreign accents with call centre persons with no authority (even to pass to someone more senior,) long periods on hold, calls dropping out with no return call and more.

 I have now reached an impasse after I received their latest letter.

Their position is intransigent.

They failed to cover all the points I raised

The letter was written in poor English making certain points unclear.

The tone was unpleasant and verging on threatening.

I am 84 years old. Last January I had a pulmonary embolism and am taking blood thinners permanently. Since January I have had a detached retina operation. My mental health has deteriorated to cause my daughter concern and she is now helping me with this problem. I have been stressed for a year about all this to the point of breaking down privately, and also on one occasion much to my embarrassment in front my closest husband and wife friends. I have repeatedly informed BG of the effect on my health. All tis has occupied vast amounts of my time which at my age is more valuable than for somebody younger. I feel that I am getting to a point where the effect on my health is going to become much more serious.

I could go on but I will wait to hear what you have to say and take it from there.

Conrad Robinson



  1. Ever so sorry to read this Conrad. What a nightmare whatever age. I can’t believe it has gone on so long without resolution. Let’s hope the ombudsman can sort it. Or maybe send an email copy to Martin Lewis the tv money man. His researchers like things like this. Just a thought. All the best.

  2. something very very wrong here - but you should checl/correct the dates (unless you really do mean 2003 and 2004) as this may invalidate your submission.
    I am amazed that you have got nowhere with them as I find them accessible and rational.

  3. Alan R - Thanks
    gimmer - thanks a lot for that. I'm the world's worst proof reader.

  4. bowlandclimber8 June 2024 at 18:36

    Sent you an Email.

  5. Bc - Many thanks. Much appreciated.

  6. This is awful treatment from BG. Alan ‘s suggestion might be worth serious consideration Conrad, because your type of issue often seems to get resolved when the company involved gets bad publicity. I hope you get a resolution soon.

  7. Afoot - I have now referred it to the Ombudsman. They are working on it. Meanwhile I have AT LAST received a standard "no-reply" acknowledgement of the last email I sent to BG on 23rd May informing them I would be passing my complaint to the Ombudsman.. That is 18 days compared with their stated policy of replying in 7 days. Their tardiness now means that they have sent this email without being aware that I have referred to the Ombudsman. Here is an extract from their standard acknowledgement:

    "We're looking into your complaint for you
    Hello Mr Robinson
     We want to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and we'll aim to get in touch within 10 working days. However, in some instances it could take longer. We'll stay in touch on the steps we're taking to fix things for you."

    Well, they've missed the boat. I will pass this information to the Ombudsman rather than have any more communication with BG which could compromise me in some way.

    I battle on, but it's all strength sapping and worrying and draining. There are better things I want to spend my time on.

    1. Good luck Conrad and best wishes from both of us.

  8. Nightmare.
    Good luck, and very best wishes.

  9. Vote Lib Dem - they would bring the utility companies back into public ownership. (some hope)

  10. Afoot and Phreerunner - Thanks. I spent another five hours yesterday after the Ombudsman had sent me the response from Br. Gas which I had to monitor and add my comments. I was told the process can take eight weeks so hopefully I will not be bothered for a while. Meanwhile my household budget bank account accumulates the funds to cover whatever transpires including the bills for energy after the one I am disputing, and which I don't intend to pay until the matter is resolved. This has all taken much out of me and I am certainly not myself at the moment.
    Anonymous (whoever you are, although I think I know.) My MP has been Tim Farron forever and I have always voted for him. Now the boundaries have been changed. In a recent poll in the new constituency the Lib Dems only had a minute share, but...
    ...Labour only had only a two or three percent lead on Conservatives. Whilst I had allegiance to Tim and knowing he would most likely win it would have been an automatic vote for him, but I have no allegiance to the new Lib Dem candidate but AT ALL COSTS I feel we must get rid of the present incumbents whatever may follow. So, for the first time in my life I will be voting Labour!

  11. bowlandclimber15 June 2024 at 16:23

    Sorry about the anonymous hat. And sorry you have lost Tim Farron, a decent bloke.
