For newcomers

At the bottom of each post there is the word "comments". If you click on it you will see comments made by followers, and if you follow the instructions you may also comment and I always welcome that. I have found many people overlook this part of the blog which is often more interesting than the original post!

My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Sunday, 5 November 2017

Arnside Fireworks 2017

Last night the tradition of fireworks on the prom at Arnside was continued, but building on the success of last year, and a splendid community effort, it was bigger and better than ever. A couple of stalls with burgers and drinks were added and the crowds were huge. The show is funded by voluntary contributions on the night and organised by our local community. This year money raised has, I think, doubled to something int he region of £6,600, so the omens are good for next year.

Here is a link to my little slideshow:

Click on the first thumbnail, then on "fullscreen" at the bottom.


  1. Lovely!
    I assume you were using your new Lumix? The low light performance looks good, I'm impressed with how well the firework photographs have been frozen.

  2. JJ - Yes, I was using the TZ100. There is a setting titled "Hand held night shot." I am sure professionals would use something much more sophisticated, but this is not bad for a little hand-held job. I was pleased with the lighting on face shots.
