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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Knee operation 2

Operation went well yesterday. Mr P saw me afterwards, said he was pleased with the way it went. I am writing this after breakfast the day after, and so far I have no pain - i am dosed up with various pills and IV drips.

I am in a private room and all is comfortable with friendly and attentive staff.

Will be out of bed today and looking forward to bending my leg which at present is heavily bandaged

Breakfast today, note the posh serviette ring.


  1. Good news Conrad.
    Enjoy the luxury.
    Give me a ring if you need any transport.

  2. I'm delighted to hear that it went ahead and that it went well of course - I was thinking of you yesterday.
    Onwards young man!

  3. Very pleased to hear the op went ahead and went well. (Hmm, just read what JJ said above and it seems I'm always repeating other people!) I would guess that by the time I'm writing this (just after what will probably be our final meal out of this trip - another big three course lunch with drinks and bread for €9) they will have had you up on your feet. Hope that went well too.

    As for that breakfast - it looks better than I've had in many a hotel!

  4. Very pleased to hear the op went ahead and went well. (Hmm, just read what JJ said above and it seems I'm always repeating other people!) I would guess that by the time I'm writing this (just after what will probably be our final meal out of this trip - another big three course lunch with drinks and bread for €9) they will have had you up on your feet. Hope that went well too.

    As for that breakfast - it looks better than I've had in many a hotel!

  5. Good: pleased to hear this : I have been admiring the snow girt ridges of Blencathra for the past three days whilst we did the second set of tiles, looking across the curiously named GIenderamakin valley - almost as spectacular a job site as glancing up at the Drus last year - and vowed to get up there some time soon (only been up once, when I was about 9) and thought you might like to think about that and work for it as a goal and training exercise - Sharp Edge of course.
    I now know I have to go to London tomorrow so will aim to call in on my way south - if your butler will allow me into the presence
    . . . that is if you don't meet me at the door - where is this hospital (I know it's in Lancaster !)

  6. Hi Conrad
    I would second (third?) Gayle’s comments. Hope the recuperation goes well.

  7. The napkin ring would have been a veritable comfort if I'd faced two Weetabixes. With milk! Prelude to a relapse.

  8. All - thanks for your comments.

    Gimmer - If old Wainwright was around I think he would caution us against Sharp Edge at our age.

    RR - I note how seriously you mean this comment by your very rare use of an exclamation mark.
