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My blog nick-name is SIR HUGH. I'm not from the aristocracy - my middle name is Hugh which relates to the list of 282 hills in Scotland compiled by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. I climbed my last one (Sgurr Mor) on 28th June 2009


Monday, 10 August 2015

Canal du Midi 1

Je suis en France.

I arrived Toulouse courtesy of Jet 2 from Manchester circa midday. I aim to walk the Canal du Midi and have a Ryanair flight booked back to Manchester from Béziers in ten days.

I took the airport bus to centre ville and leapt out when I saw the canal. A kilometre further I saw a filling station and went to try and buy camping gas. It was then that I found I'd left my wallet containing 400 Euros and all my credit cards on the bus. I did still have another few hundred Euros stashed elsewhere. A young girl customer took pity on me and drove me to the bus station. I spoke to another airport bus driver and he put the message out on his radio and my bus driver responded saying he had found my wallet. I waited another forty minutes and wallet and I were reunited. Whew ! After all I've said about my offspring.

I marched on down the canal in fairly hot conditions and by 4:00 pm I asked a guy on the tow path if there was a hotel nearby. He told me of a Formula hotel another kilometre further and then invited me onto his boat which he lived on with his daughter and dog. I was invited to freshen up and was given water and fruit juice and a pear, and we had a good old chat. I have cleared the main built up area of Toulouse so it should become a bit more countryfied tomorrow.

There is a restaurant just down the road - more later.

Photo transfer is playing up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. You know that we're chortling here, don't you? Not because of the wallet incident (I'll bet that was a little more panic-ridden than that middle paragraph conveys!), but because we can't believe you managed a 'come in and have a drink' within hours of setting out!

  2. Have a good trip Conrad. Separate some of your credit/debit cards!!

  3. This sounds like a nice relaxed outing Conrad. I suspect you won't be posting ascent data - or if you do it'll be a very round (even circular) figure! What a nice way to spend 10 days.

  4. Oh dear Dad! Easy done! Really glad you got them back - would have been a long way to come and rescue you!

  5. You're off on another adventure! How wonderful. Thank goodness your wallet turned up. Must have been a heartsink moment.

  6. I have written all these once then lost them because of that damnedest robot.

    Gayle - I will be trying to continue. New techniques for France need bringing back.


    BC - it won't happen again !


    Phreerunner - very enjoyable so far but no pushover in this heat


    HH - could have been a bit expensive. I never got as far as formulating a plan

  7. Just catching up with my reading of blogs. Have a good trip Conrad it should be an excellent couple of weeks.

  8. my goodness - free tea, coffee, cakes and who knows what other freebies, and then he gets 'kidnapped' by a demoiselle
    - how does he get all the luck !

  9. Gimmer - just shows, I can tell a good story.
